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- The Hall of Honor | prenatal sciences
Watch the Hall of Honor Ceremony 2024 & 2023 CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE HALL OF HONOR WEBSITE FOR ALL UPDATES Elevate greatness! Nominations for 2025 are now active. Know someone whose contributions deserve recognition? Nominate! The past quarter-century has seen an explosion of research in prenatal and perinatal psychology, resulting in new ways of thinking about the complex connections between early experience and developmental outcomes. The implications for everyone from obstetricians to adoptive parents, and from developmental psychologists to early intervenors, have been huge. It’s time to celebrate some of this progress by noting the work of practitioners and researchers around the world who have made discoveries, mused on the implications of those discoveries, and made those discoveries accessible to others. We live in different countries, speak different languages, and represent different academic/ professional and cultural/religious backgrounds. The emphasis of our work is not uniform, nor should it be. But it is likely our hearts and minds are more similar than dissimilar: we believe that our pre/perinatal experiences matter, and we share a goal of better health for both children and grownups. At the Prenatal Sciences Partnership Global Congress in the fall of 2022, conversations began about creating a Hall of Honor to maintain the spirit and values of those who pioneered this paradigm of earliest development since 1920. The early participants in these conversations hoped that the creation of such a Hall of Honor might not only save the teachings of the pioneers–allowing them to become a beacon of light and an inspiration for others–but also to encourage new work in areas never imagined before. Posthumous awards were presented at the 2022 Global Congress to Gabriela Ferrari, Lloyd deMause, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Peter Fedor Freybergh and David Chamberlain. Honor was given to Ludwig Janus and Otto Rank. In the middle of all this international and trans-disciplinary sharing of thought, Thomas Verny and Olga Gouni conceived the notion of designing a system of more permanent acknowledgements. The Hall of Honor was born. You are hereby officially invited to nominate potential inductees. Nominations will be particularly welcome from those whose written or spoken words have made research in prenatal and perinatal psychology accessible to both scientific and non-scientific audiences; those whose written or spoken words have lifted up points of view heretofore insufficiently recognized or whose words have thrown light on insufficiently examined variables in prenatal and perinatal psychology; those who have published their work in recognized scientific journals and books; and those who have demonstrated a pioneering spirit in their work and excellence in their research. Nominations are welcome from professional societies; from prenatal and perinatal sciences research and/or educational institutions; and from individuals engaged in clinical work or community outreach. The Hall of Honor committee includes Thomas Verny of Canada; Ludwig Janus of Germany; Olga Gouni of Greece; Kate White, Michael Trout and Karlton Terry of the United States and Nese Karabekir of Turkey. For more information please email: or to access the nomination form, The link will remain active until end of April 2023. If you are entitled to nomination, you can nominate up to three significant pioneers for 2023. The form is now active. Please make sure that you do not nominate a pioneer already inducted in the Hall of Honor. Thank you all for your contributions. The Timeline below shows important information. Please allow your voice to be heard. Join the progress of science. Join Us in the Hall of Honor Ceremony on the 12 Nov 2025. Register to Attend Free. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE HALL OF HONOR WEBSITE FOR ALL UPDATES Who Can Nominate? Any Prenatal Sciences Professional Society (including ISPPM, APPPAH) Prenatal Sciences Research Organizations Prenatal Sciences Educational Institutions Private Organizations promoting Prenatal Sciences Clinicians practicing prenatal sciences Main Criteria The main criteria are: Excellence & pioneer thinking Research spirit that opens up new paths and creates knowledge and better understanding Social responsibility for all of us involved in the field Leadership skills that promote peace, co-operation and networks that empower health Healthy advocacy for the (un)born child. The Hall of Honor Board Thomas Verny, MD Ludwig Janus, MD Michael Trout Olga Gouni Kate White Nese Karabekir Julie Gerland Moffat Osoro
- Home | prenatal sciences
The nomination link for 2025 is now active. To watch last year’s Hall of Honor ceremony, click below. Join us as we honor the pioneers of prenatal sciences and celebrate their enduring legacy of discovery and innovation. Attend the Hall of Honor Award Ceremony 2024 To Get Our Thank You Community Gift, our CD Album: One World, One Heart Lullabies, click he re Științe prenatale, Conexiunea Om-Natura & Sustenabilitatea vieții accredited by European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) An Institution of the UEMS (32 credits) PROGRAMUL NOSTRU ÎN DEFUNERE ÎNCEPE ÎN IANUARIE 2022! 23 martie: Zilele și lucrările lui Richard Overly! 30 martie: Zilele și lucrările prof. dr. Amara Eckert! PREANALIZAȚI-O! Înscrierea deschisă curs de analiză de caz (psihologie prenatală) Prenatal Sciences Partnership Prenatal Sciences Partnership Redă videoclipul Alăturați-vă echipei noastre - Deveniți partener Aș dori să devin membru al parteneriatului. Citiți mai jos de ce este semnificativ. Abonati-va Vă mulțumim că v-ați alăturat nouă!
- Senior Aduts | prenatal sciences
Al nostru Resurse gratuite Indiferent cine ești, există întotdeauna ceva minunat de explorat aici, în spațiul RESURSE GRATUITE. Există oportunități pentru copiii foarte mici în Centrul nostru pentru Copii, instrumente de sprijin pentru cuplurile și familiile însărcinate, Resurse profesionale pentru cei dintre voi implicați în slujba semenilor și a vieții, precum și resurse grozave pentru adulții maturi. Echipa noastră face tot posibilul pentru a adăuga valoare fiecărei categorii de resurse și pentru a vă oferi experiență interesantă și captivantă. Consultați învățarea noastră pentru mai multe oportunități pe măsură ce trece timpul și contactați-vă pentru mai multe informații. Denumirea proiectului Aceasta este descrierea proiectului dvs. Furnizați un scurt rezumat pentru a ajuta vizitatorii să înțeleagă contextul și fundalul muncii dvs. Faceți clic pe „Editați text” sau faceți dublu clic pe caseta de text pentru a începe. Denumirea proiectului Aceasta este descrierea proiectului dvs. Faceți clic pe „Editați text” sau faceți dublu clic pe caseta de text pentru a începe. Denumirea proiectului Aceasta este descrierea proiectului dvs. Furnizați un scurt rezumat pentru a ajuta vizitatorii să înțeleagă contextul și fundalul muncii dvs. Faceți clic pe „Editați text” sau faceți dublu clic pe caseta de text pentru a începe.